Cancel or Freeze Membership
If you are thinking of leaving us please speak to a member of staff before you do anything. For example, sometimes we can help by simply providing a bit of advice. Rather than cancel altogether ‘Freezing’ your account could be a better option. Freezing your account costs just £5 per month. It means we keep your account open, save all of your documentation and un-freezing is as easy as just letting us know either in person or by email.
Get in touch
You are required to provide us with 30 days notice from the cancellation date if you wish to cancel your membership. Cancelling your direct debit does not cancel your membership with us. Additionally, you are not able to cancel your membership if your account is in arrears. If you pay a final fee via bank transfer please let us know via email so we can update the system manually. Once your account is in order we will process your request and your DIRECT DEBIT WILL BE CANCELLED AUTOMATICALLY.
Please email us with the following information (messages monitored Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) :